Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I am.. at my limit with the Cyrus family.

First, Miley's all cute and kid-friendly Hannah Montana (first two seasons)
             And her dad is ah-nnnoying on there btw, and of course he wouldn't have gotten the job if it hadn't been for his daughter getting the lead.

Second she becomes a bit more rebellious not to bad.
Oh but wait, there was those racy pictures that were circulating..
Including the Vanity Fair cover
and dating that twenty year old at sixteen years old.

Now up to date-ish we have
-A TMZ video of her grinding her forty-something male producer at a night club, that she shouldn't even have been allowed into. Let me add.
-Dating her cutie ex-Liam Hensworth, and PDA-ing everywhere they went.
-Her underwear/Lady Gaga wannabe outfits (plus her bringing her little sis into it!) P.S she said right before her first premiere of the outfits that she's "not trying to be slutty"

*cough* *cough*
-Can't Be Tamed. Album. Video. Song. Everything.
-No longer the Hannah Montana we know and (used) to love.

I get that she wants to grow up and everything. But I just don't think this is the way to do it.
She could be more classy about it, and not all.. I don't wanna say slutty but..

I didn't know this til recently, but she was suing her parents for management of her own career when she was dating Justin Gatson, you know the underwear model?
She's also bought her own house that she planned to move into when she turned eighteen with Liam, but they had their little break-up so she might be in that big ol' mansion by herself.

On top of all the problems and rumors that comes with being famous, her parents are getting divorced.
Just today I found this article with rumors saying that Tish, her mom, had an affair with Bret Michael's. You know that old man from Poison <---I think
Come on now..

Oh! Can't forget about her appearance in Rock Mafia's video "Big Bang"

The dude is 26. She runs her hand up his thigh, make-out, wears a white see-through dress with her bikini? showing, make-out.
You get it.
Okay, I don't think it's all that bad. It could have been alot worse right?

Ashley out!

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